LevelDB 源码分析「九、Compaction」



LevelDB 源码分析系列也步入尾声,本篇将分析 LevelDB 中至关重要的 Compaction 过程,依然从代码的角度出发。建议大家同时阅读参考文献 1 了解 Compaction 的作用和过程的描述。

1. 触发 Compaction

本系列第三篇中描述了内存数据库转为 Sorted Table 的过程,其中会执行 DBImpl::BackgroundCompaction 这一后台任务:

void DBImpl::BackgroundCompaction() {

  if (imm_ != nullptr) {

  Compaction* c;
  bool is_manual = (manual_compaction_ != nullptr);
  InternalKey manual_end;
  if (is_manual) {
  } else {
    c = versions_->PickCompaction();


现在假设 imm_ 为空,并且不考虑手动 Compaction,那么这里会执行 versions_->PickCompaction 去选择一个 Compaction,其实现位于 db/version_set.cc

Compaction* VersionSet::PickCompaction() {
  Compaction* c;
  int level;

  // We prefer compactions triggered by too much data in a level over
  // the compactions triggered by seeks.
  const bool size_compaction = (current_->compaction_score_ >= 1);
  const bool seek_compaction = (current_->file_to_compact_ != nullptr);

这里会有两种需要 Compaction 的情况,一种是某一 Level 的分数超过了 1,一种是某一个文件的无效查询次数超过阈值。分数的计算位于版本更新之后的 VersionSet::Finalize

void VersionSet::Finalize(Version* v) {
  // Precomputed best level for next compaction
  int best_level = -1;
  double best_score = -1;

  for (int level = 0; level < config::kNumLevels - 1; level++) {
    double score;
    if (level == 0) {
      // We treat level-0 specially by bounding the number of files
      // instead of number of bytes for two reasons:
      // (1) With larger write-buffer sizes, it is nice not to do too
      // many level-0 compactions.
      // (2) The files in level-0 are merged on every read and
      // therefore we wish to avoid too many files when the individual
      // file size is small (perhaps because of a small write-buffer
      // setting, or very high compression ratios, or lots of
      // overwrites/deletions).
      score = v->files_[level].size() /
    } else {
      // Compute the ratio of current size to size limit.
      const uint64_t level_bytes = TotalFileSize(v->files_[level]);
      score =
          static_cast<double>(level_bytes) / MaxBytesForLevel(options_, level);

    if (score > best_score) {
      best_level = level;
      best_score = score;

  v->compaction_level_ = best_level;
  v->compaction_score_ = best_score;

对于 0 层文件,当文件数量超过阈值(默认 4)时触发 Compaction;对于其他层的文件,当文件的总大小超过阈值(默认 10l10^{l}MB)时触发 Compaction。而一个文件的的查询次数阈值定义于 VersionSet::Builder::Apply

// We arrange to automatically compact this file after
// a certain number of seeks.  Let's assume:
//   (1) One seek costs 10ms
//   (2) Writing or reading 1MB costs 10ms (100MB/s)
//   (3) A compaction of 1MB does 25MB of IO:
//         1MB read from this level
//         10-12MB read from next level (boundaries may be misaligned)
//         10-12MB written to next level
// This implies that 25 seeks cost the same as the compaction
// of 1MB of data.  I.e., one seek costs approximately the
// same as the compaction of 40KB of data.  We are a little
// conservative and allow approximately one seek for every 16KB
// of data before triggering a compaction.
f->allowed_seeks = static_cast<int>((f->file_size / 16384U));
if (f->allowed_seeks < 100) f->allowed_seeks = 100;


  1. 一次查询耗时 10ms;
  2. 读/写 1MB 耗时 10ms (假设速度 100MB/s);
  3. 1MB 的 Compaction 需要做 25 MB 的 IO
    1. 本层读 1MB;
    2. 下一层读 10-12 MB
    3. Compaction 后写 10-12 MB

整体来看,1MB 的数据做 25 次查询和 Compaction 的时间差不多,1 次查询就相当于做 40KB 数据的 Compaction。LevelDB 将其设为更保守的 16KB,进而一个文件的查询次数阈值设定为 FileSize / 16KB。当一次查询中读取了多个文件,则将第一个文件的查询次数 +1,直到其超过阈值、触发 Compaction。继续看 VersionSet::PickCompaction

Compaction* VersionSet::PickCompaction() {

  if (size_compaction) {
    level = current_->compaction_level_;
    assert(level >= 0);
    assert(level + 1 < config::kNumLevels);
    c = new Compaction(options_, level);

    // Pick the first file that comes after compact_pointer_[level]
    for (size_t i = 0; i < current_->files_[level].size(); i++) {
      FileMetaData* f = current_->files_[level][i];
      if (compact_pointer_[level].empty() ||
          icmp_.Compare(f->largest.Encode(), compact_pointer_[level]) > 0) {
    if (c->inputs_[0].empty()) {
      // Wrap-around to the beginning of the key space
  } else if (seek_compaction) {
    level = current_->file_to_compact_level_;
    c = new Compaction(options_, level);
  } else {
    return nullptr;

  c->input_version_ = current_;

  // Files in level 0 may overlap each other, so pick up all overlapping ones
  if (level == 0) {
    InternalKey smallest, largest;
    GetRange(c->inputs_[0], &smallest, &largest);
    // Note that the next call will discard the file we placed in
    // c->inputs_[0] earlier and replace it with an overlapping set
    // which will include the picked file.
    current_->GetOverlappingInputs(0, &smallest, &largest, &c->inputs_[0]);


  return c;

对于数据大小触发的 Compaction,会选取 compact_pointer_ 后的第一个文件作为 Compaction 对象,即本层上一次 Compaction 区间之后的文件;而查询次数触发的 Compaction 其本身对应一个文件。对于 0 层文件,因为之间存在 Overlap,需要将存在重叠的文件都加入 Compaction 集合里。至此本层的文件选择完毕。

2. 扩大 Compaction 文件集合

VersionSet::PickCompaction 随后执行 SetupOtherInputs 以扩大 Compaction 文件集合:

// Finds the largest key in a vector of files. Returns true if files it not
// empty.
bool FindLargestKey(const InternalKeyComparator& icmp,
                    const std::vector<FileMetaData*>& files,
                    InternalKey* largest_key) {
  if (files.empty()) {
    return false;
  *largest_key = files[0]->largest;
  for (size_t i = 1; i < files.size(); ++i) {
    FileMetaData* f = files[i];
    if (icmp.Compare(f->largest, *largest_key) > 0) {
      *largest_key = f->largest;
  return true;

// Finds minimum file b2=(l2, u2) in level file for which l2 > u1 and
// user_key(l2) = user_key(u1)
FileMetaData* FindSmallestBoundaryFile(
    const InternalKeyComparator& icmp,
    const std::vector<FileMetaData*>& level_files,
    const InternalKey& largest_key) {
  const Comparator* user_cmp = icmp.user_comparator();
  FileMetaData* smallest_boundary_file = nullptr;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < level_files.size(); ++i) {
    FileMetaData* f = level_files[i];
    if (icmp.Compare(f->smallest, largest_key) > 0 &&
        user_cmp->Compare(f->smallest.user_key(), largest_key.user_key()) ==
            0) {
      if (smallest_boundary_file == nullptr ||
          icmp.Compare(f->smallest, smallest_boundary_file->smallest) < 0) {
        smallest_boundary_file = f;
  return smallest_boundary_file;

// Extracts the largest file b1 from |compaction_files| and then searches for a
// b2 in |level_files| for which user_key(u1) = user_key(l2). If it finds such a
// file b2 (known as a boundary file) it adds it to |compaction_files| and then
// searches again using this new upper bound.
// If there are two blocks, b1=(l1, u1) and b2=(l2, u2) and
// user_key(u1) = user_key(l2), and if we compact b1 but not b2 then a
// subsequent get operation will yield an incorrect result because it will
// return the record from b2 in level i rather than from b1 because it searches
// level by level for records matching the supplied user key.
// parameters:
//   in     level_files:      List of files to search for boundary files.
//   in/out compaction_files: List of files to extend by adding boundary files.
void AddBoundaryInputs(const InternalKeyComparator& icmp,
                       const std::vector<FileMetaData*>& level_files,
                       std::vector<FileMetaData*>* compaction_files) {
  InternalKey largest_key;

  // Quick return if compaction_files is empty.
  if (!FindLargestKey(icmp, *compaction_files, &largest_key)) {

  bool continue_searching = true;
  while (continue_searching) {
    FileMetaData* smallest_boundary_file =
        FindSmallestBoundaryFile(icmp, level_files, largest_key);

    // If a boundary file was found advance largest_key, otherwise we're done.
    if (smallest_boundary_file != NULL) {
      largest_key = smallest_boundary_file->largest;
    } else {
      continue_searching = false;

void VersionSet::SetupOtherInputs(Compaction* c) {
  const int level = c->level();
  InternalKey smallest, largest;

  AddBoundaryInputs(icmp_, current_->files_[level], &c->inputs_[0]);

首先执行的是 AddBoundaryInputs。其英文注释中解释地非常详细:当 Compaction 的范围为 [l1,u1][l1, u1] 时,该范围的数据将会被移动到 Level+1。如果当前 Level 存在文件 [l2,u2][l2, u2],并且 user_key(u1) = user_key(l2),那么下一次查询 user_key(u1) 时会在 Level 层提前返回旧的数据!故需要将受影响的文件全部加到 Compaction 文件范围中。继续看 VersionSet::SetupOtherInputs

void VersionSet::SetupOtherInputs(Compaction* c) {
  GetRange(c->inputs_[0], &smallest, &largest);

  current_->GetOverlappingInputs(level + 1, &smallest, &largest,

  // Get entire range covered by compaction
  InternalKey all_start, all_limit;
  GetRange2(c->inputs_[0], c->inputs_[1], &all_start, &all_limit);

  // See if we can grow the number of inputs in "level" without
  // changing the number of "level+1" files we pick up.
  if (!c->inputs_[1].empty()) {
    std::vector<FileMetaData*> expanded0;
    current_->GetOverlappingInputs(level, &all_start, &all_limit, &expanded0);
    AddBoundaryInputs(icmp_, current_->files_[level], &expanded0);
    const int64_t inputs0_size = TotalFileSize(c->inputs_[0]);
    const int64_t inputs1_size = TotalFileSize(c->inputs_[1]);
    const int64_t expanded0_size = TotalFileSize(expanded0);
    if (expanded0.size() > c->inputs_[0].size() &&
        inputs1_size + expanded0_size <
            ExpandedCompactionByteSizeLimit(options_)) {
      InternalKey new_start, new_limit;
      GetRange(expanded0, &new_start, &new_limit);
      std::vector<FileMetaData*> expanded1;
      current_->GetOverlappingInputs(level + 1, &new_start, &new_limit,
      if (expanded1.size() == c->inputs_[1].size()) {
            "Expanding@%d %d+%d (%ld+%ld bytes) to %d+%d (%ld+%ld bytes)\n",
            level, int(c->inputs_[0].size()), int(c->inputs_[1].size()),
            long(inputs0_size), long(inputs1_size), int(expanded0.size()),
            int(expanded1.size()), long(expanded0_size), long(inputs1_size));
        smallest = new_start;
        largest = new_limit;
        c->inputs_[0] = expanded0;
        c->inputs_[1] = expanded1;
        GetRange2(c->inputs_[0], c->inputs_[1], &all_start, &all_limit);

  // Compute the set of grandparent files that overlap this compaction
  // (parent == level+1; grandparent == level+2)
  if (level + 2 < config::kNumLevels) {
    current_->GetOverlappingInputs(level + 2, &all_start, &all_limit,

  // Update the place where we will do the next compaction for this level.
  // We update this immediately instead of waiting for the VersionEdit
  // to be applied so that if the compaction fails, we will try a different
  // key range next time.
  compact_pointer_[level] = largest.Encode().ToString();
  c->edit_.SetCompactPointer(level, largest);

首先在 Level+1 层将所有存在重叠的文件加入 Compaction 文件集合里,更新 Compaction 的区间 [all_start, all_limit]。再回过头来使用新区间获得 Level 层重叠的文件 expanded0,如果新的数据大小在阈值以内且不会改变 Level+1 层选择的文件,那么则将 Level 层的文件集合更新为 expanded0。最后将当前 Level 的 compact_pointer_ 设为当前 Compaction 的最大键。至此扩大 Compaction 文件集合结束,VersionSet::PickCompaction 也返回了 Compaction 对象。

3. 执行 Compaction

回到 DBImpl::BackgroundCompaction

struct DBImpl::CompactionState {
  // Files produced by compaction
  struct Output {
    uint64_t number;
    uint64_t file_size;
    InternalKey smallest, largest;

  Output* current_output() { return &outputs[outputs.size() - 1]; }

  explicit CompactionState(Compaction* c)
      : compaction(c),
        total_bytes(0) {}

  Compaction* const compaction;

  // Sequence numbers < smallest_snapshot are not significant since we
  // will never have to service a snapshot below smallest_snapshot.
  // Therefore if we have seen a sequence number S <= smallest_snapshot,
  // we can drop all entries for the same key with sequence numbers < S.
  SequenceNumber smallest_snapshot;

  std::vector<Output> outputs;

  // State kept for output being generated
  WritableFile* outfile;
  TableBuilder* builder;

  uint64_t total_bytes;

void DBImpl::BackgroundCompaction() {

  Status status;
  if (c == nullptr) {
    // Nothing to do
  } else if (!is_manual && c->IsTrivialMove()) {
  } else {
    CompactionState* compact = new CompactionState(c);
    status = DoCompactionWork(compact);
    if (!status.ok()) {
  delete c;

  if (status.ok()) {
    // Done
  } else if (shutting_down_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
    // Ignore compaction errors found during shutting down
  } else {
    Log(options_.info_log, "Compaction error: %s", status.ToString().c_str());

  if (is_manual) {

不考虑手动模式和 TrivialMove,接下来会根据 Compaction 对象构建 CompactionState,并执行 DBImpl::DoCompactionWork

Status DBImpl::DoCompactionWork(CompactionState* compact) {
  const uint64_t start_micros = env_->NowMicros();
  int64_t imm_micros = 0;  // Micros spent doing imm_ compactions

  Log(options_.info_log, "Compacting %d@%d + %d@%d files",
      compact->compaction->num_input_files(0), compact->compaction->level(),
      compact->compaction->level() + 1);

  assert(versions_->NumLevelFiles(compact->compaction->level()) > 0);
  assert(compact->builder == nullptr);
  assert(compact->outfile == nullptr);
  if (snapshots_.empty()) {
    compact->smallest_snapshot = versions_->LastSequence();
  } else {
    compact->smallest_snapshot = snapshots_.oldest()->sequence_number();

  Iterator* input = versions_->MakeInputIterator(compact->compaction);

compact->smallest_snapshot 是为了让当前的 Snapshot 的数据在 Compaction 过程中不丢失。versions_->MakeInputIterator 返回 Compaction 文件集合的合并迭代器:

Iterator* VersionSet::MakeInputIterator(Compaction* c) {
  ReadOptions options;
  options.verify_checksums = options_->paranoid_checks;
  options.fill_cache = false;

  // Level-0 files have to be merged together.  For other levels,
  // we will make a concatenating iterator per level.
  // TODO(opt): use concatenating iterator for level-0 if there is no overlap
  const int space = (c->level() == 0 ? c->inputs_[0].size() + 1 : 2);
  Iterator** list = new Iterator*[space];
  int num = 0;
  for (int which = 0; which < 2; which++) {
    if (!c->inputs_[which].empty()) {
      if (c->level() + which == 0) {
        const std::vector<FileMetaData*>& files = c->inputs_[which];
        for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
          list[num++] = table_cache_->NewIterator(options, files[i]->number,
      } else {
        // Create concatenating iterator for the files from this level
        list[num++] = NewTwoLevelIterator(
            new Version::LevelFileNumIterator(icmp_, &c->inputs_[which]),
            &GetFileIterator, table_cache_, options);
  assert(num <= space);
  Iterator* result = NewMergingIterator(&icmp_, list, num);
  delete[] list;
  return result;

继续看 DBImpl::DoCompactionWork

Status DBImpl::DoCompactionWork(CompactionState* compact) {
  // Release mutex while we're actually doing the compaction work

  Status status;
  ParsedInternalKey ikey;
  std::string current_user_key;
  bool has_current_user_key = false;
  SequenceNumber last_sequence_for_key = kMaxSequenceNumber;
  while (input->Valid() && !shutting_down_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
    // Prioritize immutable compaction work
    if (has_imm_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
      const uint64_t imm_start = env_->NowMicros();
      if (imm_ != nullptr) {
        // Wake up MakeRoomForWrite() if necessary.
      imm_micros += (env_->NowMicros() - imm_start);

    Slice key = input->key();
    if (compact->compaction->ShouldStopBefore(key) &&
        compact->builder != nullptr) {
      status = FinishCompactionOutputFile(compact, input);
      if (!status.ok()) {

    // Handle key/value, add to state, etc.
    bool drop = false;
    if (!ParseInternalKey(key, &ikey)) {
      // Do not hide error keys
      has_current_user_key = false;
      last_sequence_for_key = kMaxSequenceNumber;
    } else {
      if (!has_current_user_key ||
          user_comparator()->Compare(ikey.user_key, Slice(current_user_key)) !=
              0) {
        // First occurrence of this user key
        current_user_key.assign(ikey.user_key.data(), ikey.user_key.size());
        has_current_user_key = true;
        last_sequence_for_key = kMaxSequenceNumber;

      if (last_sequence_for_key <= compact->smallest_snapshot) {
        // Hidden by an newer entry for same user key
        drop = true;  // (A)
      } else if (ikey.type == kTypeDeletion &&
                 ikey.sequence <= compact->smallest_snapshot &&
                 compact->compaction->IsBaseLevelForKey(ikey.user_key)) {
        // For this user key:
        // (1) there is no data in higher levels
        // (2) data in lower levels will have larger sequence numbers
        // (3) data in layers that are being compacted here and have
        //     smaller sequence numbers will be dropped in the next
        //     few iterations of this loop (by rule (A) above).
        // Therefore this deletion marker is obsolete and can be dropped.
        drop = true;

      last_sequence_for_key = ikey.sequence;

    if (!drop) {
      // Open output file if necessary
      if (compact->builder == nullptr) {
        status = OpenCompactionOutputFile(compact);
        if (!status.ok()) {
      if (compact->builder->NumEntries() == 0) {
      compact->builder->Add(key, input->value());

      // Close output file if it is big enough
      if (compact->builder->FileSize() >=
          compact->compaction->MaxOutputFileSize()) {
        status = FinishCompactionOutputFile(compact, input);
        if (!status.ok()) {


一个巨大的循环。首先判断是否已经 shutting_down_,如果已经关闭了,则终止当前的 Compaction 过程;随后判断当前是否有 imm_,如果存在的话则也先执行 CompactMemTable;再来判断当前输出的文件是否可以结束了,如果是的话就执行 FinishCompactionOutputFile 完成当前文件。

接下来是是否丢弃键值对的判定。如果某个 user_key 的非最新版本小于快照版本,则可以直接丢弃,因为读最新的版本就足够了;如果某个删除操作的版本小于快照版本,并且在更高层没有相同的 user_key,那么这个删除操作及其之前更早的插入操作可以同时丢弃了。

对于没有丢弃的键值对,将其写入当前的 Table Builder。当输出的大小超过阈值,同样执行 FinishCompactionOutputFile

Status DBImpl::OpenCompactionOutputFile(CompactionState* compact) {
  assert(compact != nullptr);
  assert(compact->builder == nullptr);
  uint64_t file_number;
    file_number = versions_->NewFileNumber();
    CompactionState::Output out;
    out.number = file_number;

  // Make the output file
  std::string fname = TableFileName(dbname_, file_number);
  Status s = env_->NewWritableFile(fname, &compact->outfile);
  if (s.ok()) {
    compact->builder = new TableBuilder(options_, compact->outfile);
  return s;

Status DBImpl::FinishCompactionOutputFile(CompactionState* compact,
                                          Iterator* input) {
  assert(compact != nullptr);
  assert(compact->outfile != nullptr);
  assert(compact->builder != nullptr);

  const uint64_t output_number = compact->current_output()->number;
  assert(output_number != 0);

  // Check for iterator errors
  Status s = input->status();
  const uint64_t current_entries = compact->builder->NumEntries();
  if (s.ok()) {
    s = compact->builder->Finish();
  } else {
  const uint64_t current_bytes = compact->builder->FileSize();
  compact->current_output()->file_size = current_bytes;
  compact->total_bytes += current_bytes;
  delete compact->builder;
  compact->builder = nullptr;

  // Finish and check for file errors
  if (s.ok()) {
    s = compact->outfile->Sync();
  if (s.ok()) {
    s = compact->outfile->Close();
  delete compact->outfile;
  compact->outfile = nullptr;

  if (s.ok() && current_entries > 0) {
    // Verify that the table is usable
    Iterator* iter =
        table_cache_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), output_number, current_bytes);
    s = iter->status();
    delete iter;
    if (s.ok()) {
      Log(options_.info_log, "Generated table #%llu@%d: %lld keys, %lld bytes",
          (unsigned long long)output_number, compact->compaction->level(),
          (unsigned long long)current_entries,
          (unsigned long long)current_bytes);
  return s;

继续来看 DBImpl::DoCompactionWork

Status DBImpl::InstallCompactionResults(CompactionState* compact) {
  Log(options_.info_log, "Compacted %d@%d + %d@%d files => %lld bytes",
      compact->compaction->num_input_files(0), compact->compaction->level(),
      compact->compaction->num_input_files(1), compact->compaction->level() + 1,
      static_cast<long long>(compact->total_bytes));

  // Add compaction outputs
  const int level = compact->compaction->level();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < compact->outputs.size(); i++) {
    const CompactionState::Output& out = compact->outputs[i];
    compact->compaction->edit()->AddFile(level + 1, out.number, out.file_size,
                                         out.smallest, out.largest);
  return versions_->LogAndApply(compact->compaction->edit(), &mutex_);

Status DBImpl::DoCompactionWork(CompactionState* compact) {
  if (status.ok() && shutting_down_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
    status = Status::IOError("Deleting DB during compaction");
  if (status.ok() && compact->builder != nullptr) {
    status = FinishCompactionOutputFile(compact, input);
  if (status.ok()) {
    status = input->status();
  delete input;
  input = nullptr;

  CompactionStats stats;
  stats.micros = env_->NowMicros() - start_micros - imm_micros;
  for (int which = 0; which < 2; which++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < compact->compaction->num_input_files(which); i++) {
      stats.bytes_read += compact->compaction->input(which, i)->file_size;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < compact->outputs.size(); i++) {
    stats.bytes_written += compact->outputs[i].file_size;

  stats_[compact->compaction->level() + 1].Add(stats);

  if (status.ok()) {
    status = InstallCompactionResults(compact);
  if (!status.ok()) {
  VersionSet::LevelSummaryStorage tmp;
  Log(options_.info_log, "compacted to: %s", versions_->LevelSummary(&tmp));
  return status;

执行 InstallCompactionResults 时将 Compaction 的文件集合加入到 VersionEdit 的删除列表中,并将新生成的文件加入到新文件列表里,随后执行 versions_->LogAndApply 更新版本。最后再执行一些清理操作,Compaction 过程就结束了。


VersionSet::AddBoundaryInputs 部分的代码时,VS Code 上显示提交于 4 年前,而大部分的 LevelDB 代码提交于 8 年前。这引起了我的警觉:这个 Bug 竟然影响了 4 年。随即用 VS Code 的 Git Blame 插件查看修复该 Bug 对应的 Commit 及对应的 Pull Request,发现了不得了的事情:这个提交是 16 年初的,但 19 年 4 月才合并进去。

该 Bug 最早报告于 2015 年的 Issue 320,当时 richcole 就给出了 Bug 的分析,并在 16 年初提交了该 Bug 的修复,但一直无人理会。直到 19 年 3 月 vonnyfly 发现了这个严重问题,这才引起了官方的重视,之后在大家的协作下终于将修复 patch 合并到主分支。

而基于 LevelDB 开发的 RocksDB 则在该问题上做出了快速响应。16 年 Issue 993 中有人询问 RocksDB 是否同样受到该 Bug 影响,RocksDB 的主要贡献者 igorcanadi 在 12 小时内及时回复,表示 RocksDB 不受该 Bug 影响

I just read the issue more throughly. RocksDB doesn't have the same bug. Looks like we actually found and fixed that bug years ago. I don't know why we didn't contribute back to LevelDB :(

笔者只是通过 GitHub 的 Issue 和 PR 恢复了该事件的发展过程,不对此作出任何评价。不过这个严重的 Bug 应该仍然影响着很多项目,毕竟小概率触发比 100% 触发更可怕,希望能引起大家的重视,检查下自己使用的 LevelDB 是不是 Release 1.22 之前的版本。


  1. "Compaction", leveldb-handbook
  2. "Fix snapshot compaction bug", leveldb#339
  3. "Compaction causes data inconsistency when using snapshots", leveldb#320
  4. "Dose rocksdb have the bug found in leveldb?", rocksdb#993