PaxosStore 源码分析「三、共识协议」


本系列的前两篇分析了 PaxosStore 中网络通信和消息传递的实现,本篇将正式介绍 Paxos 算法,并分析 PaxosStore 中共识协议的实现。

1. Paxos 算法

Paxos 算法是 Leslie Lamport 于 1990 年提出的一种基于消息传递且具有高度容错特性的共识(consensus)算法。其论文于 1998 年 TOCS 会议上首次公开发表,中间的八年显然是有故事的。Paxos 算法已经问世 30 年了,至今依然折磨着学习分布式系统的同学们。入门学习的话,建议阅读作者 2001 年重新描述的论文 "Paxos Made Simple"。下面笔者说说自己对 Paxos 的理解。

达成共识 from "黑金"

首先 Paxos 是一个共识算法,即最终目标是达成共识,至于共识是什么、对不对,在这里并不重要,重要的是达成共识后,共识不可修改;其次,一个经典 Paxos 实例只能达成一个共识,或者说确定(chosen)一个值,这一点很重要;最后,算法执行的环境是异步通信环境,使用非拜占庭模型,允许消息延迟、丢失、乱序,但不允许数据损坏(corruption)。

Paxos 算法中一共有三种角色:proposers,acceptors 和 learners,这里先忽略 learners。算法的步骤描述如下(摘录自论文原文 2.2 节):

Phase 1.

  1. A proposer selects a proposal number nn and sends a prepare request with number nn to a majority of acceptors.
  2. If an acceptor receives a prepare request with number nn greater than that of any prepare request to which it has already responded, then it responds to the request with a promise not to accept any more proposals numbered less than nn and with the highest-numbered proposal (if any) that it has accepted.

Phase 2.

  1. If the proposer receives a response to its prepare requests (numbered nn) from a majority of acceptors, then it sends an accept request to each of those acceptors for a proposal numbered nn with a value vv, where vv is the value of the highest-numbered proposal among the responses, or is any value if the responses reported no proposals.
  2. If an acceptor receives an accept request for a proposal numbered nn, it accepts the proposal unless it has already responded to a prepare request having a number greater than nn.

因为消息本身的传递是不可靠的,所以可以从各个角色的响应来思考 Paxos 的流程,这会比面向过程的思考容易些。可以认为每个角色都是一个独立的线程,当收到特定的消息时做出对应的响应。这里先定义下消息类和角色自身的状态类:

struct Prepare {
  int n;

struct Accept {
  int n;
  void *value;

struct Promised {
  int n;
  Accept *proposal = nullptr;

struct Accepted {
  int n;

class Acceptor {
  int last_n = 0;
  Accept *proposal = nullptr;

对于 Acceptor,其会对两种请求做出响应:

  1. Prepare:如果 prepare.n > acceptor.last_n,则更新 acceptor.last_n,并返回 Promised(n, acceptor.proposal)
  2. Accept:如果 accept.n >= acceptor.last_n,则接受该提案,更新 acceptor.last_nacceptor.proposal 并返回 Accepted(n)

对于 Proposer,除主动发送 Prepare 请求外,同时会接收两种响应:

  1. Promised:当 Promised 数量足够组成多数派时,进入算法的 Phase 2、广播 Accept 请求;
  2. Accepted:当 Accepted 数量足够组成多数派时,Proposer 确认提议通过,反之 Proposer 不确定,但提案可能还是通过的。

Paxos 算法里,对确定(chosen)的理解至关重要。当多数派通过提案的一瞬间,共识即已达成且不可推翻,理解了这一点就理解了 Paxos。

对于单个 Acceptor,个体的 Accepted 和多数派的 Chosen 是有本质区别的,个体的 Accepted 是可以被覆盖的。而当 Chosen 发生后,之后的提案返回的 Promised 中得到的多数派里一定会返回群体 Chosen 的值,这保证了提案的值不会被推翻。关于这点,可以参考文献 2 中的例子。

Paxos 算法的证明网上可以找到很多,然后 MIT 6.824 2015 年前的课程里有对应的实验,参见文献 3。对应的代码笔者自己找了一份,放在 GitHub 上,可以自己完成以加深理解。2016 之后他们改用 Raft 了,有兴趣的话可以继续完成 Raft 的学习。

2. 协议实现

PaxosStore 的实现中弃用了原版的 Paxos 消息协议,并提出了使用半对称消息传递来实现 Paxos 过程,这里参考其论文中的描述。首先定义提案 Proposal

P=(n,v) \mathcal P = (n, v)

其中 nn 表示提案号,vv 表示提案的值。定义状态 State

S=(m,P) \mathcal S = (m, \mathcal P)

其中 mm 表示承诺过不会拒绝的最小提案号,P\mathcal P 表示已经接受的提案。定义 SX\mathcal S_X 为机器 XX 的状态,定义 SYX\mathcal S^X_Y 为机器 XX 已知的机器 YY 的状态,称之为视图状态。显然 SYX(XY)\mathcal S_Y^X(X \ne Y)SY\mathcal S_Y 可能是不同的,不同机器上的状态依赖 Paxos 过程完成同步。定义机器 XX 发送给机器 YY 的消息 Message

MXY={SXX,SYX} \mathbb M_{X \rightarrow Y} = \left \{ \mathcal S_X^X, \mathcal S_Y^X \right \}

简单来说,该消息中包含了 XX 自己的实际状态,以及自己已知的对方的视图状态。PaxosStore 全局仅使用这一种消息来实现 Paxos 协议,具体的协议过程如下(摘录自原论文):

PaxosStore 中的 Paxos 实现 from 参考文献 4

当节点 AA 收到一个写请求时,其会触发 Issue(mi)\mathbf {Issue}(m_i),发送 Prepare 消息给所有节点;节点 XX 收到消息后触发 OnMessage(MAX)\mathbf {OnMessage}(\mathbb M_{A \rightarrow X}),更新自身的状态,若自身状态更新则会发送消息回节点 AA;节点 AA 收到回复的消息同样会执行 OnMessage(MXA)\mathbf {OnMessage}(\mathbb M_{X \rightarrow A}),判断 Preprare 是否被多数派接受,若是则触发 Issue(Pi)\mathbf {Issue}(\mathcal P_i) 发送 Accept 消息给所有节点;而后是一轮类似的消息处理,节点 XX 收到消息并更新,回复消息,节点 AA 收到消息判断 IsValueChosen\mathbf {IsValueChosen}

可以看到,PaxosStore 使用了统一的消息格式,同时使用了统一的消息处理函数 OnMessage\mathbf {OnMessage},以此驱动整个 Paxos 协议过程。这大大简化了代码的实现,按照论文描述的,核心算法实现只使用了约 800 行 C++ 代码。这种实现的正确性已经在微信的大规模应用上得到验证,另外也通过了基于 TLA+ 的形式化规约和验证,见参考文献 5

3. 代码实现

PaxosStore 中基本是按照论文中描述的方案来实现的。首先状态 S\mathcal S 对应 src/Common.h 中的 EntryRecord_t

struct PaxosValue_t {
  uint64_t iValueID;
  vector<uint64_t> vecValueUUID;

  bool bHasValue;
  string strValue;

  PaxosValue_t() : iValueID(0), bHasValue(false) {}
  PaxosValue_t(uint64_t iValueID_, const vector<uint64_t> vecValueUUID_, bool bHasValue_,
               const string &strValue_)
      : iValueID(iValueID_),
        strValue(strValue_) {}

  bool operator==(const PaxosValue_t &tOther) const {
    if (iValueID == tOther.iValueID && vecValueUUID == tOther.vecValueUUID &&
        bHasValue == tOther.bHasValue && strValue == tOther.strValue) {
      return true;

    return false;

struct EntryRecord_t {
  uint32_t iPreparedNum;
  uint32_t iPromisedNum;
  uint32_t iAcceptedNum;

  PaxosValue_t tValue;
  bool bChosen;

  bool bCheckedEmpty;  // For Read Opt.

  uint64_t iStoredValueID;  // For PutValue Opt.

  bool operator==(const EntryRecord_t &tOther) const {
    if (iPreparedNum == tOther.iPreparedNum && iPromisedNum == tOther.iPromisedNum &&
        iAcceptedNum == tOther.iAcceptedNum && tValue == tOther.tValue &&
        bChosen == tOther.bChosen) {
      return true;

    return false;

S.m\mathcal S.m 对应 iPromisedNumS.P.n\mathcal S.\mathcal P.n 对应 iAcceptedNumS.P.v\mathcal S.\mathcal P.v 对应 tValue。每个节点会存储自己的状态,以及其他节点的视图状态,这些状态被存储于 clsEntryStateMachine 中,定义于 src/EntryState.h

enum enumEntryState {
  kEntryStateNormal = 0,

class clsEntryStateMachine {
  static uint32_t s_iAcceptorNum;
  static uint32_t s_iMajorityNum;
  static uint32_t GetAcceptorID(uint64_t iValueID);

  int m_iEntryState;

  uint32_t m_iMaxPreparedNum;

  uint32_t m_iMostAcceptedNum;
  uint32_t m_iMostAcceptedNumCnt;

  std::vector<EntryRecord_t> m_atRecord;

  uint32_t CountAcceptedNum(uint32_t iAcceptedNum);
  uint32_t CountPromisedNum(uint32_t iPromisedNum);

  int CalcEntryState(uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID);

  int MakeRealRecord(EntryRecord_t &tRecord);

  void UpdateMostAcceptedNum(const EntryRecord_t &tRecord);
  bool GetValueByAcceptedNum(uint32_t iAcceptedNum, PaxosValue_t &tValue);

  static int Init(clsConfigure *poConf);

  clsEntryStateMachine() {
    m_iEntryState = kEntryStateNormal;

    m_iMaxPreparedNum = 0;

    m_iMostAcceptedNum = 0;
    m_iMostAcceptedNumCnt = 0;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {

  ~clsEntryStateMachine() {}

  int GetEntryState() { return m_iEntryState; }

  uint32_t GetNextPreparedNum(uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID);

  const EntryRecord_t &GetRecord(uint32_t iAcceptorID);

  int Update(uint64_t iEntityID, uint64_t iEntry, uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID, uint32_t iAcceptorID,
             const EntryRecord_t &tRecordMayWithValueIDOnly);

  int AcceptOnMajorityPromise(uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID, const PaxosValue_t &tValue,
                              bool &bAcceptPreparedValue);

  void SetStoredValueID(uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID);

  // For readonly cmd.
  void ResetAllCheckedEmpty();
  void SetCheckedEmpty(uint32_t iAcceptorID);
  bool IsLocalEmpty();
  bool IsReadOK();

  bool IsRemoteCompeting();

  string ToString();

  uint32_t CalcSize();

m_atRecord 中存储了自身的状态和其他节点的视图状态,可以通过 iAcceptorID 访问。整个 clsEntryStateMachine 构成一个状态机,接收到消息时通过执行 Update (对应算法描述中的 UpdateStates\mathbf {UpdateStates})更新自身的实际状态和其他节点的视图状态,进而推进 Paxos 的流程。当前 Paxos 执行的阶段使用 m_iEntryState 表示,初始化阶段是 kEntryStateNormal,最终 Chosen 的阶段是 kEntryStateChosen。下面是状态机代码的实现:

#include "EntryState.h"

namespace Certain {

uint32_t clsEntryStateMachine::s_iAcceptorNum = 0;
uint32_t clsEntryStateMachine::s_iMajorityNum = 0;

// 从 ValueID 中解析 AcceptorID
uint32_t clsEntryStateMachine::GetAcceptorID(uint64_t iValueID) {
  uint32_t iProposalNum = iValueID & 0xffffffff;
  AssertLess(0, iProposalNum);
  return (iProposalNum - 1) % s_iAcceptorNum;

// 初始化,设定 Acceptor 和 Majority 的数量
int clsEntryStateMachine::Init(clsConfigure *poConf) {
  s_iAcceptorNum = poConf->GetAcceptorNum();
  s_iMajorityNum = (s_iAcceptorNum >> 1) + 1;

  return 0;

// 获取 Acceptor[i].EntryRecord
const EntryRecord_t &clsEntryStateMachine::GetRecord(uint32_t iAcceptorID) {
  return m_atRecord[iAcceptorID];

// 获取下一个 PreparedNum
uint32_t clsEntryStateMachine::GetNextPreparedNum(uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID) {
  if (m_iMaxPreparedNum == 0) {
    m_iMaxPreparedNum = iLocalAcceptorID + 1;
  } else {
    m_iMaxPreparedNum += s_iAcceptorNum;

  return m_iMaxPreparedNum;

// 清空所有 CheckedEmpty 状态
void clsEntryStateMachine::ResetAllCheckedEmpty() {
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {
    m_atRecord[i].bCheckedEmpty = false;

// 设定 CheckedEmpty 状态
void clsEntryStateMachine::SetCheckedEmpty(uint32_t iAcceptorID) {
  m_atRecord[iAcceptorID].bCheckedEmpty = true;

// 检查本地是否是 Normal 状态
bool clsEntryStateMachine::IsLocalEmpty() {
  // (TODO)rock: use tla to check
  return m_iEntryState == kEntryStateNormal;

// 设定本地 Record 的 ValueID
void clsEntryStateMachine::SetStoredValueID(uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID) {
  EntryRecord_t &tLocalRecord = m_atRecord[iLocalAcceptorID];
  if (tLocalRecord.tValue.iValueID > 0) {
    tLocalRecord.iStoredValueID = tLocalRecord.tValue.iValueID;

bool clsEntryStateMachine::IsReadOK() {
  uint32_t iCount = 0;

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {
    if (m_atRecord[i].bCheckedEmpty && m_atRecord[i].iPromisedNum == 0) {

  CertainLogDebug("iCount %u", iCount);
  return iCount >= s_iMajorityNum;

// 统计 Accepted 数量
uint32_t clsEntryStateMachine::CountAcceptedNum(uint32_t iAcceptedNum) {
  uint32_t iCount = 0;

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {
    if (m_atRecord[i].iAcceptedNum == iAcceptedNum) {
  return iCount;

// 统计 PromisedNum 数量
uint32_t clsEntryStateMachine::CountPromisedNum(uint32_t iPromisedNum) {
  uint32_t iCount = 0;

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {
    if (m_atRecord[i].iPromisedNum == iPromisedNum) {
  return iCount;

// 根据 AcceptedNum 获取 Value
bool clsEntryStateMachine::GetValueByAcceptedNum(uint32_t iAcceptedNum, PaxosValue_t &tValue) {
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {
    if (m_atRecord[i].iAcceptedNum == iAcceptedNum) {
      tValue = m_atRecord[i].tValue;
      return true;

  return false;

// 更新最多 Accepted 的 Num
void clsEntryStateMachine::UpdateMostAcceptedNum(const EntryRecord_t &tRecord) {
  if (m_iMostAcceptedNum == tRecord.iAcceptedNum) {

  uint32_t iCount = CountAcceptedNum(tRecord.iAcceptedNum);

  if (m_iMostAcceptedNumCnt < iCount) {
    m_iMostAcceptedNum = tRecord.iAcceptedNum;
    m_iMostAcceptedNumCnt = iCount;

// 计算当前的状态
int clsEntryStateMachine::CalcEntryState(uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID) {
  EntryRecord_t &tLocalRecord = m_atRecord[iLocalAcceptorID];

  m_iEntryState = kEntryStateNormal;

  if (tLocalRecord.bChosen) {
    m_iEntryState = kEntryStateChosen;
    return 0;

  if (m_iMostAcceptedNumCnt >= s_iMajorityNum) {
    m_iEntryState = kEntryStateChosen;

    if (tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum != m_iMostAcceptedNum) {
      if (!GetValueByAcceptedNum(m_iMostAcceptedNum, tLocalRecord.tValue)) {
        return -1;
      tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum = m_iMostAcceptedNum;

    tLocalRecord.bChosen = true;
    return 0;

  if (tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum > tLocalRecord.iPreparedNum) {
    m_iEntryState = kEntryStatePromiseRemote;
    if (tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum >= tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum) {
      m_iEntryState = kEntryStateAcceptRemote;
    return 0;

  if (tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum != tLocalRecord.iPreparedNum) {
    return -2;

  // iPromisedNum == 0 means null.
  if (tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum > 0) {
    m_iEntryState = kEntryStatePromiseLocal;

    uint32_t iLocalPromisedNum = tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum;
    uint32_t iPromisedNumCnt = CountPromisedNum(iLocalPromisedNum);

    if (iPromisedNumCnt >= s_iMajorityNum) {
      m_iEntryState = kEntryStateMajorityPromise;

    if (tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum == tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum) {
      m_iEntryState = kEntryStateAcceptLocal;

  if (tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum > tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum) {
    m_iEntryState = kEntryStateAcceptRemote;

  return 0;

// 通过 ValueID 获取 tRecord.tValue
int clsEntryStateMachine::MakeRealRecord(EntryRecord_t &tRecord) {
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {
    EntryRecord_t &tRealRecord = m_atRecord[i];

    if (tRecord.tValue.iValueID != tRealRecord.tValue.iValueID) {

    // For check only.
    if (tRecord.tValue.strValue.size() > 0) {
      if (tRecord.tValue.strValue != tRealRecord.tValue.strValue ||
          (tRecord.tValue.vecValueUUID.size() > 0 && tRealRecord.tValue.vecValueUUID.size() > 0 &&
           tRecord.tValue.vecValueUUID != tRealRecord.tValue.vecValueUUID)) {
        CertainLogFatal("CRC32(%u, %u) BUG record: %s lrecord[%u]: %s",
                        CRC32(tRecord.tValue.strValue), CRC32(tRealRecord.tValue.strValue),
                        EntryRecordToString(tRecord).c_str(), i,

    tRecord.tValue = tRealRecord.tValue;

  if (tRecord.iAcceptedNum > 0) {
    if (tRecord.tValue.iValueID > 0) {
      return 0;

    return -1;

  return 1;

// 转为字符串
string clsEntryStateMachine::ToString() {
  string strState;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {
    if (i > 0) {
      strState += " ";
    EntryRecord_t &tRecord = m_atRecord[i];
    strState += EntryRecordToString(tRecord);
  return strState;

int clsEntryStateMachine::Update(uint64_t iEntityID, uint64_t iEntry, uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID,
                                 uint32_t iAcceptorID,
                                 const EntryRecord_t &tRecordMayWithValueIDOnly) {

  int iRet;

  if (m_iEntryState == kEntryStateChosen) {
    return -1;

  if (iLocalAcceptorID >= s_iAcceptorNum || iAcceptorID >= s_iAcceptorNum) {
    return -2;

  m_iEntryState = kEntryStateNormal;
  EntryRecord_t &tLocalRecord = m_atRecord[iLocalAcceptorID];
  EntryRecord_t &tRemoteRecord = m_atRecord[iAcceptorID];

  // Make record into real when it comes in machine state.
  EntryRecord_t tRecord = tRecordMayWithValueIDOnly;
  iRet = CheckEntryRecordMayWithVIDOnly(tRecord);
  if (iRet != 0) {
    CertainLogFatal("CheckEntryRecordMayWithVIDOnly ret %d", iRet);
    return -3;

  iRet = MakeRealRecord(tRecord);
  if (iRet < 0) {
    CertainLogFatal("MakeRealRecord ret %d", iRet);
    return -4;

  if (!tRecord.tValue.bHasValue && tRecord.tValue.iValueID > 0) {
    if (tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum > tRecord.iAcceptedNum) {
      // The remote acceptor supposed that this acceptor know the V.
      // But the V stored in tLocalRecord has been overriden,

      // Ignore the accepted message.
      tRecord.iAcceptedNum = 0;
      tRecord.tValue.iValueID = 0;
    } else {
      return -5;

  iRet = CheckEntryRecord(tRecord);
  if (iRet != 0) {
    CertainLogFatal("CheckEntryRecord ret %d", iRet);
    return -6;

  if (tRecord.bChosen) {
    // For check only.
    if (tRemoteRecord.iAcceptedNum >= tRecord.iAcceptedNum) {
      if (tRemoteRecord.tValue.iValueID != tRecord.tValue.iValueID) {
        return -7;

    tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum = tRecord.iAcceptedNum;
    tLocalRecord.tValue = tRecord.tValue;
    tLocalRecord.bChosen = true;

    tRemoteRecord.iAcceptedNum = tRecord.iAcceptedNum;
    tRemoteRecord.tValue = tRecord.tValue;
    tRemoteRecord.bChosen = true;

    m_iEntryState = kEntryStateChosen;

    return m_iEntryState;

  // 1. update m_iMaxPreparedNum
  uint32_t iGlobalMaxPreparedNum = max(tRecord.iPreparedNum, tRecord.iPromisedNum);
  if (m_iMaxPreparedNum < iGlobalMaxPreparedNum) {
    uint32_t iNextPreparedNum = m_iMaxPreparedNum;

    while (iNextPreparedNum <= iGlobalMaxPreparedNum) {
      m_iMaxPreparedNum = iNextPreparedNum;

      if (iNextPreparedNum == 0) {
        iNextPreparedNum = iLocalAcceptorID + 1;
      } else {
        iNextPreparedNum += s_iAcceptorNum;

  // 2. update iPreparedNum
  if (tRemoteRecord.iPreparedNum < tRecord.iPreparedNum) {
    tRemoteRecord.iPreparedNum = tRecord.iPreparedNum;

  // 3. update old remote record
  if (iAcceptorID != iLocalAcceptorID && tRecord.iAcceptedNum > tRemoteRecord.iAcceptedNum) {
    tRemoteRecord.iAcceptedNum = tRecord.iAcceptedNum;
    if (tRemoteRecord.tValue.iValueID != tRecord.tValue.iValueID) {
      tRemoteRecord.tValue = tRecord.tValue;


  // 4. update value for remote accept first when use PreAuth
  if (tRecord.iAcceptedNum == 0) {
    if (tRecord.tValue.iValueID > 0) {
      if (0 == tRecord.iPromisedNum) {
        return -8;

      if (iLocalAcceptorID == iAcceptorID) {
        if (tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum != 0 || tLocalRecord.tValue.iValueID != 0) {
          return -9;
        tLocalRecord.tValue = tRecord.tValue;
      } else if (tRecord.iPromisedNum <= s_iAcceptorNum) {
        if (tRecord.iPromisedNum == 0 || tRecord.iPreparedNum != tRecord.iPromisedNum) {
          return -10;
        tRecord.iAcceptedNum = tRecord.iPromisedNum;

    // store the newest status of remote record
    if (iLocalAcceptorID != iAcceptorID && tRemoteRecord.iAcceptedNum == 0) {
      if (tRemoteRecord.tValue.iValueID > 0 && tRecord.tValue.iValueID > 0 &&
          (tRemoteRecord.tValue.iValueID != tRecord.tValue.iValueID ||
           tRemoteRecord.tValue.strValue != tRecord.tValue.strValue)) {
        return -11;
      tRemoteRecord.tValue = tRecord.tValue;

  // 5. update old local record
  if (tRecord.iAcceptedNum > tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum &&
      tRecord.iAcceptedNum >= tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum) {
    tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum = tRecord.iAcceptedNum;
    if (tLocalRecord.tValue.iValueID != tRecord.tValue.iValueID) {
      tLocalRecord.tValue = tRecord.tValue;


  // 6. update iPromisedNum
  if (tRemoteRecord.iPromisedNum < tRecord.iPromisedNum) {
    tRemoteRecord.iPromisedNum = tRecord.iPromisedNum;
  if (tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum < tRecord.iPromisedNum) {
    tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum = tRecord.iPromisedNum;

  iRet = CalcEntryState(iLocalAcceptorID);
  if (iRet < 0) {
    CertainLogFatal("CalcEntryState ret %d", iRet);
    return -12;

  // For check only.
  iRet = CheckEntryRecord(tRecord);
  if (iRet != 0) {
    CertainLogFatal("CheckEntryRecord ret %d", iRet);
    return -13;

  if (tLocalRecord.iPreparedNum > 0) {
    if ((tLocalRecord.iPreparedNum - 1) % s_iAcceptorNum != iLocalAcceptorID) {
      return -14;
  if (tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum > tLocalRecord.iPreparedNum) {
    if ((tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum - 1) % s_iAcceptorNum == iLocalAcceptorID) {
      return -15;

  if (tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum == iLocalAcceptorID + 1 && tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum == 0 &&
      tLocalRecord.tValue.iValueID == 0) {
    return -16;

  return m_iEntryState;

int clsEntryStateMachine::AcceptOnMajorityPromise(uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID,
                                                  const PaxosValue_t &tValue,
                                                  bool &bAcceptPreparedValue) {
  int iRet;

  bAcceptPreparedValue = false;
  if (m_iEntryState != kEntryStateMajorityPromise) {
    return -1;
  EntryRecord_t &tLocalRecord = m_atRecord[iLocalAcceptorID];
  if (tLocalRecord.iPreparedNum != tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum ||
      tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum >= tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum) {
    return -2;

  // 取得最大的 AcceptedNum 及其对应的 Value
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {
    if (tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum < m_atRecord[i].iAcceptedNum) {
      tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum = m_atRecord[i].iAcceptedNum;
      tLocalRecord.tValue = m_atRecord[i].tValue;

  if (tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum == 0) {
    tLocalRecord.tValue = tValue;
    bAcceptPreparedValue = true;

  if (tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum > tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum) {
    return -3;
  tLocalRecord.iAcceptedNum = tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum;

  iRet = CheckEntryRecord(tLocalRecord);
  if (iRet != 0) {
    CertainLogFatal("CheckEntryRecord ret %d", iRet);
    return -4;

  iRet = CalcEntryState(iLocalAcceptorID);
  if (iRet < 0) {
    CertainLogFatal("CalcEntryState ret %d", iRet);
    return -5;

  if (m_iEntryState != kEntryStateAcceptLocal) {
    return -6;

  if ((tLocalRecord.iPromisedNum - 1) % s_iAcceptorNum != iLocalAcceptorID) {
    return -7;

  return 0;

bool clsEntryStateMachine::IsRemoteCompeting() {
  if (m_iEntryState == kEntryStatePromiseRemote || m_iEntryState == kEntryStateAcceptRemote) {
    return true;

  return false;

// 统计自身数据大小
uint32_t clsEntryStateMachine::CalcSize() {
  uint32_t iSize = sizeof(clsEntryStateMachine);

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {
    if (m_atRecord[i].tValue.strValue.size() == 0) {

    bool bToAdd = true;
    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
      if (m_atRecord[i].tValue.iValueID == m_atRecord[j].tValue.iValueID) {
        bToAdd = false;

    if (bToAdd) {
      iSize += m_atRecord[i].tValue.strValue.size();

  return iSize;

}  // namespace Certain

算法描述中其他部分则主要实现于 src/EntityWorker.cpp。该文件还实现了 CatchUp / Recovery 等功能,代码非常长,这里摘录出 Paxos 流程的核心代码:

// A 节点发起 Paxos 流程
int clsEntityWorker::DoWithClientCmd(clsClientCmd *poCmd) {
  uint64_t iEntityID = poCmd->GetEntityID();
  EntryInfo_t *ptInfo = m_poEntryMng->FindEntryInfo(iEntityID, iEntry);
  uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID = ptEntityInfo->iLocalAcceptorID;

  if (ptInfo == NULL) {
    // 创建 Entry,包含了 clsEntryStateMachine
    ptInfo = m_poEntryMng->CreateEntryInfo(ptEntityInfo, iEntry);

  clsEntryStateMachine *poMachine = ptInfo->poMachine;
  int iEntryState = poMachine->GetEntryState();

  // 生成可用的 ProposalNum
  uint32_t iProposalNum = poMachine->GetNextPreparedNum(iLocalAcceptorID);

  // 创建一个新的状态
  EntryRecord_t tTempRecord;

  // 自己当然直接 Promise
  tTempRecord.iPreparedNum = iProposalNum;
  tTempRecord.iPromisedNum = iProposalNum;

  // 更新状态机
  iEntryState =
      poMachine->Update(iEntityID, iEntry, iLocalAcceptorID, iLocalAcceptorID, tTempRecord);

  // 获取自身状态
  const EntryRecord_t &tUpdatedRecord = poMachine->GetRecord(iLocalAcceptorID);

  // 构造消息
  clsPaxosCmd *poPaxosCmd =
      new clsPaxosCmd(iLocalAcceptorID, iEntityID, iEntry, &tUpdatedRecord, NULL);

  // 加入 PLog Req 队列进行持久化,可以暂时忽略
  iRet = clsPLogWorker::EnterPLogReqQueue(poPaxosCmd);
  return eRetCodePtrReuse;

// A 节点经过 PLogWorker 持久化后,会广播 Message
void clsEntityWorker::BroadcastToRemote(EntryInfo_t *ptInfo, clsEntryStateMachine *poMachine,
                                        clsClientCmd *poCmd) {
  EntityInfo_t *ptEntityInfo = ptInfo->ptEntityInfo;

  uint64_t iEntityID = ptEntityInfo->iEntityID;
  uint64_t iEntry = ptInfo->iEntry;

  uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID = ptEntityInfo->iLocalAcceptorID;

  // 遍历所有节点
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_iAcceptorNum; ++i) {
    // 忽略自己
    if (i == iLocalAcceptorID) {
    // 获取自身状态和目标节点的视图状态
    const EntryRecord_t &tSrc = poMachine->GetRecord(iLocalAcceptorID);
    const EntryRecord_t &tDest = poMachine->GetRecord(i);
    // 构造消息
    clsPaxosCmd *po = new clsPaxosCmd(iLocalAcceptorID, iEntityID, iEntry, &tSrc, &tDest);
    // 设定发送目标
    // 使用 IO Worker 发送消息

// X 节点通过网络接收到消息后
int clsEntityWorker::UpdateRecord(clsPaxosCmd *poPaxosCmd) {
  uint32_t iAcceptorID = poPaxosCmd->GetSrcAcceptorID();
  uint64_t iEntityID = poPaxosCmd->GetEntityID();
  uint64_t iEntry = poPaxosCmd->GetEntry();

  EntityInfo_t *ptEntityInfo = m_poEntityMng->FindEntityInfo(iEntityID);

  uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID = ptEntityInfo->iLocalAcceptorID;

  EntryInfo_t *ptInfo = m_poEntryMng->FindEntryInfo(iEntityID, iEntry);

  // 获取状态机
  clsEntryStateMachine *poMachine = ptInfo->poMachine;
  // 读取当前自己的状态
  const EntryRecord_t tOldRecord = poMachine->GetRecord(iLocalAcceptorID);

  // 获取消息中节点 A 发送的实际状态 S_A^A 和视图状态 S_X^A
  const EntryRecord_t &tSrcRecord = poPaxosCmd->GetSrcRecord();
  const EntryRecord_t &tDestRecord = poPaxosCmd->GetDestRecord();

  // 更新 X 自身的状态机
  int iRet = poMachine->Update(iEntityID, iEntry, iLocalAcceptorID, iAcceptorID, tSrcRecord);

  // 获取实际状态 S_X
  const EntryRecord_t &tNewRecord = poMachine->GetRecord(iLocalAcceptorID);
  // 获取视图状态 S_A^X
  const EntryRecord_t &tRemoteRecord = poMachine->GetRecord(iAcceptorID);

  // 判断视图状态 S_X^A 与 S_X 是否一致
  bool bRemoteUpdated = IsEntryRecordUpdated(tDestRecord, tNewRecord);

  // 判断实际状态 S_X 是否存在更新
  bool bLocalUpdated = IsEntryRecordUpdated(tOldRecord, tNewRecord);

  // 构造消息
  clsPaxosCmd *po =
      new clsPaxosCmd(iLocalAcceptorID, iEntityID, iEntry, &tNewRecord, &tRemoteRecord);
  // 如果视图状态 S_X^A 与 S_X 不一致,那么说明 A 节点需要更新对 X 节点的视图状态,也就需要发送消息回去
  ptInfo->bRemoteUpdated = bRemoteUpdated;

  if (bLocalUpdated) {
    // 如果自身的实际状态存在更新,则需要使用 PLog 将其持久化
    iRet = clsPLogWorker::EnterPLogReqQueue(po);
  } else {
    // 自身状态不存在更新,直接进入回复阶段
    SyncEntryRecord(ptInfo, po->GetDestAcceptorID(), po->GetUUID());

  return 0;

// X 节点持久化完成后,发送回复消息
void clsEntityWorker::SyncEntryRecord(EntryInfo_t *ptInfo, uint32_t iDestAcceptorID,
                                      uint64_t iUUID) {
  EntityInfo_t *ptEntityInfo = ptInfo->ptEntityInfo;

  uint64_t iEntityID = ptEntityInfo->iEntityID;
  uint64_t iEntry = ptInfo->iEntry;

  uint32_t iLocalAcceptorID = ptEntityInfo->iLocalAcceptorID;

  clsEntryStateMachine *poMachine = ptInfo->poMachine;
  const EntryRecord_t &tSrcRecord = poMachine->GetRecord(iLocalAcceptorID);

  // 如果需要发送回复
  if (ptInfo->bRemoteUpdated) {
    const EntryRecord_t &tDestRecord = poMachine->GetRecord(iDestAcceptorID);

    if (!tDestRecord.bChosen) {
      // 构造发送回去的消息
      clsPaxosCmd *po =
          new clsPaxosCmd(iLocalAcceptorID, iEntityID, iEntry, &tSrcRecord, &tDestRecord);

      // 设定发送目标

      // 通过 IO Worker 发送回 A 节点

// 节点 A 收到回复消息后,同样会执行 UpdateRecord
int clsEntityWorker::UpdateRecord(clsPaxosCmd *poPaxosCmd) {

  // 更新 A 自身的状态机
  int iRet = poMachine->Update(iEntityID, iEntry, iLocalAcceptorID, iAcceptorID, tSrcRecord);

  // 判断 A 是否已经获得多数派的 Promised
  if (poMachine->GetEntryState() == kEntryStateMajorityPromise) {
    // 构造 Value
    PaxosValue_t tValue;
    tValue.bHasValue = true;
    tValue.iValueID = ptEntityInfo->poClientCmd->GetWriteBatchID();
    tValue.strValue = ptEntityInfo->poClientCmd->GetWriteBatch();
    tValue.vecValueUUID = ptEntityInfo->poClientCmd->GetWBUUID();

    bool bAcceptPreparedValue = false;
    // 尝试在 Accept 请求中使用请求 Value
    iRet = poMachine->AcceptOnMajorityPromise(iLocalAcceptorID, tValue, bAcceptPreparedValue);
    // bAcceptPreparedValue 会返回是否使用该 Value
    // 如果 X 节点的 Promised 回复中已有 Value,则该操作会返回失败

  // 继续进行 PLog 持久化 / 发送回复消息

注意这里为了让流程清晰,删减了大量代码。上述代码大概是 Paxos 完整流程的一半,后面还有另一半发起 Accept 请求、确定值的过程,过程和上方基本一致,就不重复了。

4. 总结

PaxosStore 使用自己提出的半对称消息来实现 Paxos 过程,从实现来看确实简化了代码的复杂度,每个节点收到消息时走的都是同一套流程。当然目前只分析了最简单的 Paxos 流程,代码中还有错误处理、数据持久化、预授权优化等内容,这些将会在后续的博文中逐步分析。


  1. "Paxos Made Simple", Leslie Lamport
  2. "可靠分布式系统基础:paxos的直观解释", drdrxp
  3. "6.824: Distributed Systems", MIT
  4. "PaxosStore: High-availability Storage Made Practical in WeChat", Jianjun Zheng
  5. "腾讯PaxosStore中共识算法的验证", 黄宇